Film Synopsis
“Ma ka Pāʻina i Kalapana” (At Parties in Kalapana) is a Hawaiian language conversation video about parties in the 1920s-30s, filmed on the porch of the Mauna Kea Congregation Church Hall in Kalapana Village in 1989. The conversation is led by Kalena Silva and features elders James Ahia, Frances Ahia, Helen Lee Hong, Maria Lindsey, and Louise Keliihoomalu. They describe making and drinking sweet potato swipe, singing at parties, and the instruments that were played. They sing two songs, “Lei Ana ʻo Puna i ka Hīnano” and “ʻImi Au Iā ʻOe.” A third song “Mokuhulu” is sung by the Kalapana trio Na Leo Kani o Puna (Rebecca Pau, Emma Kauhi, G-girl Keliihoomalu).